Report Download Area

The Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA) is pleased to provide studies, reports, fact sheets, etc., subject to the same either being the property of SRBA or accomplished in cooperation with SRBA and in a state that is “final” and not a “work in progress”. SRBA believes in a proactive effort to provide this information on our website. All downloads on this page are “final” but may be one phase of several phases needed on the same subject. Additional phases may be currently in progress or scheduled in the future.

The fact sheets, studies, reports, etc. meeting the above criteria and thus available at this time are provided below for download by interested parties.

Most Used USACE and Other Acronyms

This PDF contains a list of acronyms commonly used throughout this website and throughout USACE

SRBA Board Meeting Presentations

The SRBA Board will periodically receive presentations from consultants providing:

  • Sulphur River Basin Feasibility Study progress reports, special board workshop information, or insights into reports that are nearing completion and needing Board input; or
  • Other types of presentations.

Select this area to go to a special download page for available presentations.

Sulphur River Basin Instream Flow Study

(SRBA board voted 01/17/17 to send information to USACE)

Transmittal Letter – Comments made by SRBA to incorporate into draft for final document.

The present effort has been performed with the objective to develop an environmental flow regime consistent with the Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) and SB 3 framework, and highlight important decision points throughout the development and analysis of the data. Information learned from such analyses may inform and refine the comprehension of decisions and assumptions utilized in the consideration of such environmental flow guidelines.

It is important to note that such an effort is not intended to pre-empt a SB 3 process for the Sulphur River Basin. Rather, it is an attempt to identify potential environmental flow guidelines in order to maintain the sound ecological environment of the Sulphur River Basin and ultimately assess the potential impact of such guidelines upon various water supply alternatives under consideration in the Sulphur Basin Feasibility Study. Lastly, as no estuary is reliant upon flows from the Sulphur River Basin, no estuarine freshwater inflow requirements have been considered herein.

Technical Memorandum 1.1 Demand Scenarios Based on 2016 East Texas (D) Regional Water Plan

(SRBA board voted 01/17/17 to send information to USACE)

Transmittal Letter – Comments made by SRBA to incorporate into draft for final document.

Information was reviewed regarding future water supply needed for local use in the Sulphur Basin from previous phases of the Feasibility Study, state and regional water plans and other sources in order to help determine the most likely point of diversion of those needs and help develop up to three potential scenarios to meet future needs.

These scenarios augment prior assumptions for operational modeling of a possible Sulphur Basin Project comprised of two components – reallocated storage at Wright Patman Lake in combination with new storage upstream, generally at the Marvin Nichols 1A site. The purpose of this exercise is to test the thesis that the geographic distribution of in basin needs has the potential to affect the definition of efficient system operations of the two components. Scenarios developed in response to the Scope requirement should not be construed to be definitive projections. They are merely illustrative of a set of reasonable future scenarios for water demand and needs in order to provide context for modeling. The purpose of this planning-level exercise is to compare various operational configurations for future projects.

Technical Memorandum 1.2 2016 Yield Analysis

(SRBA board voted 01/17/17 to send information to USACE)

Transmittal Letter – Comments made by SRBA to incorporate into draft for final document.

This memorandum provides the results of yield modeling done by the Sulphur Basin Group (SBG). The 2016 work includes:

  • Review of updated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) RiverWare models
  • Incorporation of environmental release criteria developed by other contractors in the RiverWare model and determination of yields, referred to as the 2016 Yields in this document
  • Development of demand scenarios that identify the location of potential demands in the Sulphur Basin, and develop operational criteria to meet those demands

Modeling conducted as part of this task is intended to inform planning-level decisions about potential project configurations and should not be construed to be definitive projections or form the basis of any future permitting work without additional review/modification. Estimates of project yields are different than in previous studies due to updates to the RiverWare model, extensions of the period-of record-hydrology, and revisions to estimates of environmental flow requirements. As the studies progress, and additional refinements are made to the analysis, yield estimates would be expected to continue to evolve.

Dam Safety Fact Sheet

This download is a Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District Dam Safety Fact Sheet on Structural Geology in the vicinity of Wright Patman Dam. In this fact sheet it is clearly noted that “…..each site has a unique subsurface geology and each site must be independently evaluated. Characterization of site specific structural geology and seismic hazards requires a thorough geologic and engineering investigation to evaluate the site-specific conditions.”

Final Watershed Overview Report

This download is the January 2014 “Watershed Overview….Final Report” for the Sulphur River Basin, as prepared for the Corps of Engineers. It addresses institutional setting, water demand and availability, Wright Patman Lake yield scenarios, yield analysis of other sites, and summary/conclusions.

Additional Reports

Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling sediment yields and loads

“Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling sediment yields and loads This excerpt is taken from the January 2014 “Watershed Overview….Final Report” for the Sulphur River Basin. Time series data were developed by analyzing the effect of diminished reservoir storage resulting from sustained sedimentation on reservoir yields at various points in the future. The storage volume lost due to sedimentation was estimated by modeling sediment yields and loads from each sub-basin in the Sulphur Watershed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in metric tons per year. The predicted sediment loads were converted to a volume using density data collected from Wright Patman sediment deposits as part of this analysis.”

Comparative Environmental Assessment Report

This download is the June 18, 2013 “Environmental Evaluation Interim Report” for the “Sulphur River Basin Comparative Assessment,” as prepared for the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It addresses land resource/cover type assessment, assessment of Federal and State listed threatened and endangered species, comparative analysis of cultural resources, and water quality.

PLEASE NOTE: The Comparative Environmental Assessment Report was updated on 12/2/2014, all previous versions are null and void.

Socioeconomic Report

This download is the “Sulphur River Basin Socioeconomic Characterization” for the “Sulphur River Basin Comparative Assessment,” as prepared for the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It addresses population, demographics, labor, earnings, public finance and school districts and develops a “Regional Input/Output Model” for socioeconomic impacts.

PLEASE NOTE: The Socioeconomic Report was updated on 12/2/2014, all previous versions are null and void.

Cost Rollup Report

This download is the “Cost Rollup Report – Final” for the “Sulphur River Basin Feasibility Study,” as prepared for the Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA). It addresses Embankment and spillway cost estimates, Wright Patman reallocation costs, real estate costs, reservoir conflicts and relocation estimates, other reservoir costs, transmission costs estimates, operation and maintenance costs, carbon footprint analysis, and a “cost rollup” summary.

PLEASE NOTE: The Cost Rollup Report was updated on 12/2/2014, all previous versions are null and void.

International Paper Impact Analysis

This download is a technical memorandum which summarizes the impacts of strategies to develop additional water supply in the Sulphur River Basin by reallocating storage in Wright Patman Lake on the operations of the International Paper Company’s Texarkana Mill (IP). The download is in two parts with one containing the body of the technical memorandum and the other the appendices.

Additional Reports

International Paper Phase 2

SRBA has submitted the International Paper Phase 2 Study to International Paper for review. The study will be published upon IP’s review and SRBA’s instruction.

Hydrologic Yields Report

This download is the “Hydrologic Yields Report,” as prepared for the Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA). This report describes an evaluation of the hydrologic yields of proposed water supply projects in the Sulphur River Basin, performed as part of the larger Sulphur River Basin Feasibility Study.

Timberland and Agricultural Land Impact Assessment Report

This report assesses the impacts to the timber and agricultural lands for selected water resource options in the Sulphur River Basin by providing estimates of the impacted land area, volume/value of timber, and the area/value of agriculture within the following project boundaries:

  • Wright Patman Lake Reallocation: Between elevation 242.5 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (ft-NGVD) and 228.64 ft-NGVD; and
  • Marvin Nichols Reservoir: Below elevation 328 ft-NGVD.

Note: Due to the large number of images and photos, this document has been processed to reduce the file size to where it is more easily downloaded. As a result, photos and images are not at the quality of the original document.

Revised Patman and Nichols Yield Modeling Memorandum

This Memorandum is summarizes a portion of the Sulphur Basin Feasibility Study which was designed to refine the combination of the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir and Lake Wright Patman Reallocation that meets a supply goal of a net 604,000 acre-feet per year based on needs established for Region C water providers in the State Water Planning process and estimates of future water supply needs within the Sulphur River Basin developed by SRBA as part of the USACE Feasibility study. The main body of this memorandum presents a summary of the results. Attachment 1 contains more detailed information regarding the modeling approach used in this study, and Attachment 2 has more information on the results of the modeling. This memorandum was finalized with an errata and authorized by the SRBA for release on January 19, 2016. The final memorandum and errata are available for download, below. All previous versions are null and void.

Additional Reports

SRBA letter to Texarkana, January 19, 2016

This letter was sent to the city manager of Texarkana, TX 01/19/16 in support of protecting Texarkana’s existing water rights and state that additional water rights should be considered for those who already have water rights in the Sulphur River Basin.

USACE letter to SRBA, October 11, 2016

This letter was sent to the Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA) from the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE). Due to the feasibility study going beyond the 3 year and 3 million dollar limit within SMART Planning, the USACE must authorize an exemption to continue. This letter is requesting specific commitments needed from SRBA in order to prepare for an authorized exemption to continue the study with the USACE.

JCPD recommended response letter to SRBA, November 21, 2016

This letter was sent to the Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA) from the funding parties within the Joint Committee for Program Development (JCPD). This letter is only a recommended response for SRBA to consider prior to developing a formal response to the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) letter requesting specific commitments from SRBA.

SRBA letter to USACE, December 13, 2016

This letter is the SRBA initial response to the USACE letter requesting specific commitments needed from SRBA to prepare for an authorized exemption to continue the study with the USACE.

SRBA Small Logo

The Sulphur River Basin is in the northeast corner of Texas. The basin includes all or part of Fannin, Hunt, Lamar, Hopkins, Red River, Franklin, Titus, Morris, Bowie, Cass and Delta counties.

Contact Info

Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA)
115 W. 1st
Suite # 102
Mount Pleasant, TX 75455

Phone: (903) 223-7887
Fax: (903) 223-7988