“…to provide for the conservation and development of the state’s natural resources within the basin of the Sulphur River.”

Governor Abbott Appoints Rolen, Spencer To Sulphur River Basin Authority Board Of Directors.

Sulphur River Basin
Feasibility Study

The intent of this study is to develop and evaluate alternative solutions in the Sulphur River Basin for municipal and industrial water supply, and other infrastructure concerns….to determine what project or combination of projects would be expected to optimize the use of existing water resources projects as well as the development of new water infrastructure in order to support quality of life and economic development within and adjacent to the Basin with the least environmental and social impacts.

About Us

The 69th Texas Legislature in June 1985 delegated responsibilities to the SRBA to provide for the conservation and development of the state’s natural resources within the basin of the Sulphur River. The Sulphur River Basin is in the northeast corner of Texas. The Sulphur River Basin Authority includes all or part of Hunt, Lamar, Hopkins, Red River, Franklin, Titus Morris, Bowie, Cass and Delta counties.


Notice of upcoming meetings will be posted under “Events.” Unless otherwise provided, the Board of the Sulphur River Basin has regularly scheduled Board Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Please check back here for updates on meeting notices and agendas for items of business to be conducted by the Board. The Sulphur River Basin also has periodic and annual meetings related to the Clean Rivers Program. Information about these meetings may also be found here. Further information about the Clean Rivers Program is also found elsewhere at this website.

SRBA Small Logo

The Sulphur River Basin is in the northeast corner of Texas. The basin includes all or part of Fannin, Hunt, Lamar, Hopkins, Red River, Franklin, Titus, Morris, Bowie, Cass and Delta counties.

Contact Info

Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA)
115 W. 1st
Suite # 102
Mount Pleasant, TX 75455

Phone: (903) 223-7887
Fax: (903) 223-7988